Wednesday, 30 December 2009

Imperium Vorago now available for digital download

A small update - I've just uploaded my first CD, Imperium Vorago (2004) for digital download. You can get it for £5.00 here!

Tuesday, 29 December 2009

For people overseas!

Hey all - I hope everyone had a great Christmas! It was nice to have a rest but I'm kind of looking forward to picking up the pace again. So much to be done! Anyway, just a quick note regarding overseas orders placed before Christmas.

If you haven't received your CD(s) yet, there are a couple of reasons why this may be: some orders were placed on, or after the date for last Christmas post in the UK. So while they were taken to the post office the day they came in, they might not have left them straight away. We also had some pretty crazy snowfall and anyone who knows anything about England knows, all it takes is a little bad weather to bring this place to a grinding halt!

So, that said, post should be operating as usual starting from today (yesterday was a bank holiday). If you placed your order before Christmas, and it doesn't arrive within 5 - 10 days please just let me know and I will send another out to you right away. I can also arrange for free download links if you want to listen to the album ahead of its arrival.

Hopefully there shouldn't be too many of you still waiting but, if you are - thanks so much for being patient!

- Paul

Saturday, 19 December 2009

At the Dream's Edge, now available for digital download!

Hey all! It's taken a little while to sort, but the new album is now available to buy as a digital download direct to your computer as 320kpbs MP3! If you're already at the site, you can find a link to buy at the top of this page, otherwise point your browser here. As usual, any problems - just shoot me a message using the contact form :]

- Paul

Friday, 18 December 2009

International orders

Hey everyone! Just a quick update for those of you outside of the UK who haven't received your CD's yet - there are various cutoff dates around Christmas after which anything posted won't leave the country until the start of January. For Australia, I think it was half a week or so before I put the word out about the CD. For America, it was pretty much bang on, so it remains to be seen if some made it in time. Otherwise, if you're still waiting, your CD is on its way :]

If, after Christmas, it still hasn't arrived, please let me know. I'll be posting an update here as soon as I hear they're starting to filter through to other countries, so that should give you an idea of whether anything has gone awry or not.

Thanks again for the patience and more importantly for the incredible support! It's been an absolutely amazing start (almost!) to the new year because of it!

- Paul

Thursday, 10 December 2009

One more update:

I've added a new item: At the Dream's Edge + Imperium Vorago. If you've already bought one with separate postage, please get in touch with me and I can either arrange for a discount on the postage/price of the next release, or PayPal you back the difference! Just use the contact form on this website!

Orders for At the Dream's Edge

First of all I'd like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has ordered so far. The response has been absolutely awesome, and as I've said on a few forums, way better than could have imagined :] It's also meant it's been a bit of a mammoth task to get it all flowing but the first wave is out today. So apologies for those of you who ordered on the very first day and still haven't received it yet. Your orders are all being seen to in the order that they came in and it will get much, much quicker.

Thanks so much again for the support, and for the patience. As a side note I'll also be releasing some exclusive downloads just for you guys - possibly EP length if all goes to plan. So keep an eye on your emails!x

Tuesday, 8 December 2009

"At the Dream's Edge" - ready for order :]

Okay...short version: it's done! You can buy my second CD "At the Dream's Edge" here. Be sure to choose your location - it's the only way I can counter for postage at the moment but I'll work on something a little more elegant soon! I'm also in the process of sorting out online distribution, so if CD isn't your scene - no worries! Best bet is to follow me on Twitter and you'll know the second it's available at iTunes/Amazon etc.

I would like to say an unbelievably massive thank you to the many people from all over the world who have put up with my glacial rate of progress and stayed enthusiastic about this CD over the last few years - you all know who you are! The support and appreciation of my music (even when I'd effectively stopped making it!) has been beyond kickass.

So, play it loud, spread the word and most importantly, enjoy the music!

- Paul