Friday, 30 October 2009

A nice little surprise...

For anyone in or around Essex, you can catch 'Supererogation' tonight at 7pm during the 'Introducing' Unsigned hour on BBC Essex! Perhaps go for a drive, whack it on, and pretend you're in a flying taxi/delorian/other :]

Friday, 2 October 2009

New track finished (well...99%) and uploaded...

Hey all! I've uploaded a fairly complete version of a new song 'Harvey Wallbanger' (although I have other titles in mind for it!). You can find it at MySpace and Soundclick. A few things are likely to change but I'm impatient...and at least it'll leave an element of surprise when it's on the CD ;]

Oh and also, I thought I'd just share some test renders I put together to get a feel for the theme and artwork to go with it. I tried to put them in this post but completely butchered it, so they'll be over in the downloads area!